We had a late start this morning, after 10AM. But the road was straight albeit in badly need of repair. We ran into another small traffic jam, again due to 2 lanes converging down to 1. But it wasn’t as lengthy as yesterday’s .
Only had to stop once for Jackson at a rest area. Why don’t we have these in Canada? They are so great. We stop for lunch or for doggies potty stops.
We had conflicting instructions on how to get to this campground in Illinois. GPS (we call her Emily) was telling us one way and the directions from the campgrounds website said another. Ken seems to put more stock in Emily than Trip Tik or myself so we followed her. The way she led us brought us to a 10 foot train trussel. We are over 13 feet tall !!!!! Fortunately I spotted the low clearance sign before we got there. We would have had to stop, block traffic, unhitch the car, and backup. You cannot back up a motorhome with a car in tow. But we were able to detour around it. So we drove along following Emily and then she says ‘destination reached’. What ????!!!! we’re in the middle of nowhere. So we drive a bit and see a sign that we can barely make out something about Geneseo something or other. Little tiny road, so Ken turns down it. Crap !!! wrong road, and it doesn’t look like there is anywhere we can turn around. We keep going. I said to Ken, this is not looking good, so we stop. Fortunately there is a motorist driving by on this tiny road that has nothing on it. Ken talks to her and she says that we are the third motorhome people today coming down this road asking ‘Where the heck are we?’ So she gives us the correct directions and oh thank goodness there is a turnaround in a picnic area, very rough, very small but we manage. Back on the main road, following the good Samaritan’s directions and we find it. One of those moments when you want to kiss the ground.
This was right after the above sign
Lovely little campground, just 63 sites, very level, very clean and we finally have a clear view of the sky. Our satellite works. So as we have allotted extra time on this trip we decided to spend 2 days here. Gives us and the poor critters a break. There is a lovely big field here that Jackie had run on when it’s not so hot. Ken is going to take them over later this evening when it cools down. Internet is good.
All critters have been fed, walked and are now sleeping. It’s quite warm here, so A/C’s are on, would be nice to open windows and let some fresh air in but it’s 29 degrees a little too warm for that.
I may not blog tomorrow as we will have spent the day here so may not be anything interesting to blog.
Until later…take care
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