Thursday 10 March 2011

More gators pics and some visiting

I would like to welcome a new follower, Joe.  Welcome.  I couldn’t find a blog for you so if you have one, let me know and I’ll associate it with you.  Thanks.

I was able to finally get a picture of these guys quite close-up.  They don’t seem to mind humans (well we are a potential dinner I guess) and only run away if you get too close.  I really wanted a nice close shot of the big guy and I think I got one.
Sanlan Alligator6

We have been to dinner at Ken’s sisters’ place and then over to a supper the church does once a week.  Iris’ dinner was great..the church supper, not so much.  Tonight some friends of Iris’ have invited Ken and I for dinner at their 5er.  Ken’s sister and husband too of course. 

Last evening the skies opened and it poured.  Started up again early this morning and hasn’t stopped since.  It has just let up a little bit as I type this.  Weather bureau says sun should be out later (???? yeah sure).  Rig needed a good dusting off so hopefully this rain got rid of some of it.  Just hard to get the pooches out to do their business in a torrential downpour.  We had a large umbrella that Ken tries to protect himself and them too.  Only takes them one at a time.  Maggie is smart, she goes out there and gets right down to her business so she can get back in where it’s warm and dry.  Now Jackson, well he dilly dallies around and of course gets both him and Ken wet in the process.  Guess he hasn’t figured out the do it quick and get back inside process yet.  

Weather here has been really great (not counting today of course).  We have had to have the air on and that is a first.  It was in the mid to high 80’s yesterday.  If it was just Ken and I in here I wouldn’t bother with the air, but it does seem to affect the dogs and Jackson has this huge fur coat and he hates heat so we put it on for them.  The things we do for our critters !!!!

Every morning these birds come walking thru the campground from the pond.  I’m sure someone out there must know what they are.  I don’t have a clue.  They kind of mosey around looking for food, don’t get too close, but don’t seem to be really wary of people either. They hunk and peck around then back to the pond.
Sanlan Bird3

Until later…take care. 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that what they call an "Ibis".
    Also, I am surprised that sign doesn't warn to watch for your children, too!!!
