Thursday, 17 December 2015

Wasn’t going to but…………

I said I wasn’t going to post any more blogs, that my blogging days were over but .. here I am.  I originally starting blogging so my grown children might have an idea what we were up to.  Turns out, they never read my blog, but I do have 50 + followers so I write for them, if they’re still interested.  LOL.

We have settled in very nicely in our new home out in the country.  It’s really nice to have the peace and quiet and we have great neighbours to boot. 

We’ve been here in Panama City Beach for 2 weeks now.  The weather has been great, except today, poured buckets.  The trip down was miserable, so much rain and when you have a large dog going in and out of the RV, well I’m sure there are many of you who know all about that!!

I haven’t had my camera out yet, but will soon.  There are parties planned here for the Christmas season, just bring a dish of food for 10 people.  I can do that.  Many recipes to try out.

More later..we are still here.  I do read all the blogs regularily, every morning when I log on, while drinking my coffee. 

Merry Christmas everyone.  Hope your Christmas is wonderful.